Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Perhaps viewers would look at my writings/drawings and think I have a more liberal mindset. I think that they two most important factors are the fact that I drew a political cartoon about gay rights and how it seems that the United States is slowly starting to be more accepting of that lifestyle. While I don’t agree that that lifestyle, I also don’t openly condemn it. I just wouldn't want our culture to change to the point that it is actually promoted. The other factor that I think people would think of me being more of a liberal is because I talk about supporting a pro immigration bill, it regards to the assignment where we contact our senators. I believe and support any bill that would effectively offer legal status to those that are here illegally because my parents at one point were also. I know how they struggled from what they told me, and I personally know the struggles of other families. I don’t look at this issue on one side though. I understand that the fact they crossed here was illegal by law, yet I don’t think the US is willing to deport over 10 million immigrants. They have become essential to the economy. 

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