Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Political Cartoon 2/ Bill of Rights

This country is a unique in the sense that our founding fathers wanted to create a country in which the government could not be too powerful and exploit its citizens. I drew Uncle Sam giving out food to represent that we are entitled to certain rights because we live in this country. I decided to draw Uncle Sam because he has become an icon representing the American government. In the drawing he is holding a plate with “constitution” written on it. On the plate, there are 10 different appetizers. These are the Bill of Rights that are written in the Constitution. I think that its intended audience would be every person living in this country because these rights apply to everyone. To reinforce this, in the original Uncle Sam drawings, he says, “I want you,” as he looks at you directly. In this drawing, the same principle applies because he is looking at you directly and not being prejudice against race, gender, or religious affiliation. It can represent the 1st Amendment. 

Political Cartoon #1/ Little Red Riding Hood

I drew a political cartoon dealing with support for the anti federalist movement. I chose to use Little Red Riding Hood because she represents the anti-federalist’s push for state’s rights. The basket is used to represent states rights, and the baked goods inside the basket are individual states. Little Red Riding Hood’s grandma can be considered the U.S. populous. In the background, behind a tree (meaning deception), there are two federalists; James Madison and Alexander Hamilton. They represent the wolf that is trying to steal the liberty that the state’s fought for in order to form a strong central government. 

Comprehensive Assignment/ Political Ideology

Comprehensive Assignment/ Political Ideology
Based on the Pew typology assessment and the responses I gave it said that I was a New Coalition Democrat. Pew Research describes a New Coalition Democrat as follows: strong supporter of government, positive about country’s ability to solve problems and individual hard work, pro- environmental, positive with business, liberal on racial issues, positive about immigration, religious, and socially conservative (Pew Research Center, 2014). Based on the political cartoon illustrations that I submitted I do not believe that I see evidence of my Pew typology. In the first political cartoon I drew Little Red Riding Hood representing Anti-Federalist and their push for more state rights as opposed to a strong federal government. I drew Madison and Hamilton (Federalists) in the background representing the wolf that wanted to take away state rights. In the second political cartoon, I had Uncle Sam holding the Bill of Rights on a platter as he offered it to the reader. Perhaps I chose to draw the cartoons that I did because I felt that I should also respect the opposite side of the argument. I am not exactly sure though if from now I will fuse my political ideology with my work. In some cartoons I think I might, but in others I think I would draw something in support of the opposite side. I believe it is healthy to always look at both sides of the issue. One political ideology isn’t always the best way to look at things. Each side has something to offer.  


Pew Research Center. (2014, January 21). Pew Research Center for the People and the Press. Retrieved from Pew Research:

Pew Research Study Short Reflection

The Pew Research study dealt with statistics about the public in relation to the current political environment. The study found out that the public doesn’t know much about current affairs. It found out that about half of the population would fail a knowledge quiz about our current political landscape. It states that males are more likely to be up to date than females. Also, those have education beyond a high school degree are more likely to see the news and know what’s going on. In terms of age, those that are older were also more likely to keep in touch with news. The study was also able to determine that there is no clear indication that a news format plays a role in how much a person knows. Instead, it depends greatly on how much an individual likes to keep in touch with the news. Those that were found to be more knowledgeable tended to say they enjoyed keeping up to date with the news.